
Our commitment to safeguarding at PGHS means that we care for the physical and emotional wellbeing of every pupil, and the procedures, policies and practices that we adopt protect our pupils from harm, abuse or neglect. We aim to provide a supportive environment where each pupil can thrive and develop as a unique person and adopt a positive attitude to health, fitness and self-image. This also means that everyone can feel confident in reporting any concern regarding the welfare of a pupil or behaviour of a member of staff to one of the people listed below.

It is essential for every pupil to feel that they are an important part of the community able to contribute to the life of the school. Each pupil’s happiness and wellbeing is of the upmost importance to members of staff and to other pupils. Our safeguarding commitment is upheld by staff, volunteers and governors, and regular training and testing is undertaken to ensure that we align with government guidance such as Keeping Children Safe in Education and Working Together to Safeguard Children.

Safeguarding contacts

Reporting Concerns regarding a pupil:

Miss Rebecca Stewart

Deputy Head, Designated Safeguarding Lead

Ms Sarah Proudlove

Head, Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead

Mr Steven Morris

Assistant Head (Teaching and Learning), SENDCo, Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead

Reporting Concerns regarding a member of staff:

Ms Sarah Proudlove

Head, Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead

Reporting concerns regarding the Head:

Mrs Melanie Curtis

Chair of Governors

“The personal development of pupils is excellent and by the time they leave the school, they have developed moral and social values to guide them well in adult life.”

ISI Inspection Report

My daughter is always happy to go to school and adores her teachers and classmates.


Excellent pastoral care and an intimate and friendly environment where our daughter is very happy and always positive about coming to school.


Relevant policies:

Relevant external websites:

Family Lives – provides parenting advice on topics such as discipline, family relationships and keeping children safe

Safeguarding Enfield – advice and promotion of the welfare and safety of the children and young people of Enfield.

Thinkuknow – offers age-appropriate advice on internet safety

Tooled Up – Evidence-based resources for parenting, education and family life.

UK Safer Internet Centre – provides resources and advice for parents to help children navigate the online world safely

Young Minds – focuses on children’s mental health, offering advice to parents on topics like anxiety, depression, and behaviour