group of students

GCSE Results

In 2024, the School’s overall percentage of GCSEs at grades 9-8 was a magnificent 44% and 9-7 a fantastic 72%, placing our pupils amongst the top performers in the country.

At PGHS, one of our aims is to enable all pupils to strive for academic excellence. The GCSE results are the evidence that we are meeting this aim fully with every cohort that passes through the School.

However, excellent results do not just happen so it is worth looking at why PGHS excels every year at GCSE. The contributory factors include:

  • Small class sizes where the quality of teaching is excellent.
  • The availability of an exceptional level of support in additional small group study sessions.
  • Experienced, enthusiastic and very skilled teachers who are passionate about their subjects.
  • Excellent awareness that pupils all learn in different ways and are supported to do so.
  • The expectation that pupils will engage with their learning and work hard.
  • Excellent levels of pastoral support to ensure that the pupils are happy.

Of equal importance to PGHS is the value-added success at GCSE. This is a measure of how far above expectations a pupil achieves in their GCSE examinations. Some subjects achieve a value-added score equivalent to adding 2 whole grades to a pupil’s expectation. This is a clear indication of how far a pupil can travel academically when immersed in the way that we do things at PGHS. Clearly, the sooner your daughter joins us, the more value we can add.