children sat on a bench

Parents & Friends Association

If you like having fun and meeting other parents, we would love for you to get involved with the PFA. We are always on the hunt for new members.
All parents are welcome to join and help out at events whenever they can, there is no minimum time commitment!

Our main goals are to:

  • Develop a sense of partnership between the School, its parents and friends.
  • Run social events to get parents, friends, staff and neighbours together. Our quiz nights are great fun and an opportunity to learn some obscure and interesting facts.
  • Organise treats for the girls through hosting parties and running theatre trips for parents and girls to shows such as Wicked, Matilda and The Lion King.
  • Organise fund raising activities for the School. Our recent purchases have included a new bank of 20 laptops and storage facility, a set of 10 iPads, the annual funding of the ‘Living Eggs’ project and ongoing updating of playground equipment.

If you would like to get involved please contact us via the School Office by emailing

Current PFA Officers


Staff Representatives

Mrs Joanna Campos De Pinho CHAIR Ms Sarah Proudlove
Mrs Sukhy Hara VICE CHAIR Miss Hannah Lucas
Mrs Priyanka Khastgir SECRETARY
Mrs Nazlin Nazri TREASURER