The registration form can be downloaded below. This should be completed and sent together with the appropriate registration fee (non-refundable) to the School, which is £50 for Reception to Year 2 and £75 for Year 3 and above. The International Registration Fee for all students is £125.00.
Alternatively, you can register on-line by clicking this link to register online. Once you have submitted the form, please transfer the appropriate registration fee which is non-refundable (as above) using the bank details below:
Account: Palmers Green High School
Account Number: 51037374
Sort Code: 40-05-21
Please use your daughter’s name as reference.
Candidates will be called for assessment at an appropriate time. Upon the offer of a place, parents need to accept the offer in writing, enclosing their deposit (£750 from Reception to Year 6 and £1,000 from Year 7 to Year 11), which will be returned at the end of their daughter’s time at PGHS subject to full and final settlement of the final account.