girl smiling

Sixth Form Destinations

Finishing at PGHS is just the beginning for our Year 11 pupils. Our girls have access to the wide-ranging variety of sixth form courses available in North London and further afield.  We have excellent links with top institutions which welcome our girls into their sixth form. PGHS girls are popular with these establishments because of their positive attitude to learning, their first-class GCSE results and the excellent ‘all-round’ education they receive at our School. Our pupils study a wide range of subjects for A-Level (or International Baccalaureate) and go on to higher education at internationally respected universities.

Our highly experienced staff offer carefully tailored advice to girls about subject choices, always considering a pupil’s abilities, skills and preferences. We actively encourage our pupils to look beyond A-Levels, to university, before making their final sixth form choices. Our Careers Advice & Guidance Curriculum transition programme supports them throughout this process and pupils can access further university information on-line via Morrisby.

We always enjoy reuniting with our former pupils who return to PGHS on a regular basis to speak to girls, staff and parents about their sixth form, university and careers experience.  Alumnae have studied a wide range of subjects at degree level at top universities such as Birmingham, Bristol, Cambridge, Edinburgh, Imperial, King’s London, Leeds, LSE, Oxford, Manchester, Nottingham, UCL. Following success at university, subsequent careers include accountancy, education, engineering, law, journalism, medicine and veterinary science. 

“The personal development of pupils is excellent and by the time they leave the school, they have developed moral and social values to guide them well in adult life.”

ISI Inspection Report

Popular Sixth Form Destinations


Aldenham, City of London School for Girls, Haberdashers’ Aske’s School for Girls, Haileybury, Highgate, King Alfred School, North London Collegiate, St Albans High School for Girls, St Edmunds College, St Paul’s (Hammersmith) and Queenswood.

State Selective:

Dame Alice Owen’s, Henrietta Barnett, The Latymer School, and, St Michael’s RC

State Non-Selective:

Alexandra Park School (APS), Ashmole, City and Islington Sixth Form College, Fortismere and Woodhouse.

Spring 2025 Open Events

We’re holding a series of events this Spring for you to come and see how we’ve been educating girls for 120 years. Click on the links below to book your place. We look forward to seeing you soon!

Reception 2025 Stay and Play
Tuesday mornings from 9.15am

Senior School Working Open Morning
Friday 7th March 9.30am

Lower School Working Open Morning
Friday 14th March 9.30am

Prep Open Morning
Saturday 15th March 10am – 12pm