children sat on a bench

Wraparound Care

Breakfast Club

PGHS provides an on-site Breakfast Club in the school Dining Room for pupils 5 mornings a week, from 7.45am to 8.30am. There are a variety of breakfast items available for the pupils to choose from.

After School Childcare

PGHS does not currently provide any after school childcare services to pupils. However, an after school childcare service is available exclusively for PGHS pupils through a third party provider, M&M Childcare. M&M Childcare are based locally and their staff collect pupils from PGHS and take them to nearby facilities. You can find M&M Childcare’s website here:


Please note that M&M Childcare is in no way connected to PGHS, and you should satisfy yourself that the service they provide suits your requirements before you engage them. Should you choose to use their services, any agreement will be between you and M&M Childcare and any childcare services provided will be subject to their terms and conditions. Please note that PGHS is not responsible for any after school childcare services.