school play

Senior Curriculum

Key Stage 3

The curriculum during the first three years of the Senior School (Years 7-9) is designed to give a broad and balanced education. Fifteen subjects are taught: English, Mathematics, Science (Biology, Chemistry & Physics), Art, Careers Education and PSHEE, Design & Technology (Years 7 & 8 only), Drama, French, Geography, History, ICT and Computing, Music, PE and Spanish (from Year 8). The average size of teaching groups at KS3 is 15 pupils.

Key Stage 4

The curriculum in Years 10 and 11 offers a good range of subjects both at GCSE and IGCSE with some pupils accessing AS level course material in Additional Mathematics.  All pupils study a core of English, English Literature, Mathematics, French or Spanish, Biology, Chemistry and Physics.  Girls select a further three additional subjects from Art, Drama, Geography, History, ICT, Music and French or Spanish, making a maximum of 10 GCSE subjects. In addition, each week, all pupils attend lessons in Careers Education and PSHEE and PE.

Enrichment and Residential Trips

We are able to offer our Senior pupils at PGHS the opportunity to participate in a number of residential trips which is an extremely beneficial feature of the curriculum. For example, our Year 7 pupils enjoy a 3-day team-building residential course.  Year 8 enjoy a residential Geography field trip to the coast which greatly prepares them for their GCSE fieldwork. Year 9 and 10 pupils have an optional weekend trip to Paris and Year 10 and 11 pupils benefit from annual residential trips to France and Spain to support the MFL curriculum. Year 10 and 11 also visit Berlin to support the Art and History curriculum.

Other regular trips include visits to the theatre and art galleries organised by the Art, Drama and English departments. The Science department organises many enrichment opportunities for the girls, particularly during Science week and some Year 9’s are chosen to attend The Royal Institution, supported by the London Metropolitan University, where they undertake a series of Engineering Masterclass workshops led by experts from industry, academia and education.  The Music department organises for the Chamber Choir to visit Jesus College, Cambridge every year for their Choral Evensong.

Senior pupils also have the opportunity to go on the annul skiing trip and participate in the Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Award.



student in an Art class


Creativity is central to life at Palmers Green High School and the study of Art is a key element in developing a pupil’s inspiration, imagination and experimentation skills.  Art enriches all aspects of school life and is an essential component of the curriculum for all our pupils (KS3 -KS4). The study of Art and Design develops pupils’ awareness of the visual world and the cultures that have shaped it. The Art Department promotes tolerance and understanding through the appreciation of different people’s ideas and creative responses. Through the context of art, a deeper understanding and acceptance of different cultures, styles and opinions are encouraged.

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Careers Education and PSHEE

students sat with a teacher

Careers Education and PSHEE

The Department seeks to reflect the School ethos and motto “By love, serve one another” where individual talent is fostered, celebrated and appreciated, and where contribution to the community is greatly valued.

There is a formal seventy minutes of timetabled Careers Education and Guidance per week for each class throughout the Senior School taught by the Head of Careers, where a wide variety of issues and life skills are examined and discussed.

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Design and Technology

students in a DT class

Design and Technology

At Palmers Green High School, we are well aware that STEAM subjects (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Maths) are extremely important for life skills and enhance access to further education and employment. We are fortunate to have a well-equipped professional workshop, led by a subject specialist teacher. Through the study of Design and Technology we encourage our pupils to look to the future and to be creative and innovative. PGHS pupils value, enjoy and are motivated by the subject. Hands-on, practical projects in Design and Technology enable pupils to develop an enterprising attitude and to use their knowledge to solve problems in relevant real-life contexts, whilst at the same time developing their analytical, creative and practical skills.

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students in a drama production


Drama at Palmers Green High School is an exciting blend of practical, theory, movement and voice. It plays an integral role in building transferable interpersonal skills as well as developing pupils’ understanding of culture and the Arts. The department strives to build and install confidence in all pupils and to provide a platform for expression and creativity.

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2 girls reading a book together


At Palmers Green High School one of the English Department’s strongest principles is a belief in the value of independent learning. This is built into the curriculum from Year 7 to Year 11. Pupils are taught in small groups which helps each girl develop greater confidence and discover her voice within a secure and supportive environment.

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students learning in a geography class


All pupils in Years 7, 8 and 9 study Geography for 105 minutes per week. Units of work are chosen to meet the requirements of the national curriculum as well as departmental aims. The programme of study has been purposely developed to reflect different skills. In Geography we use a variety of resources and stimulus material rather than any one particular set of core texts.

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students in a history class


At Palmers Green High School, we aim to inspire pupils to examine, question and, most importantly, appreciate the study of History.  Targeted lessons, in small groups, encourage pupils to develop a positive attitude to the subject and to take enjoyment from and interest in historical events.  Through the study of History, pupils acquire knowledge, confidence and invaluable study skills.  By examining different accounts of historical events in detail, pupils hone their analytical ability and acquire sound study techniques which enable them to analyse and draw reasoned conclusions from recorded evidence.  This enhances not only their historical understanding but can be invaluable when applied to their studies in all subjects.

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ICT and Computing

students working in the computer room

ICT and Computing

ICT and Computing at Palmers Green High School is taught throughout the whole school using Laptops, iPads and PCs with great emphasis on online safety so that all pupils understand how to use ICT securely. Coding is taught to all pupils starting in the Lower School, using BlueBot floor robots and Purple Mash coding. Seniors use Scratch, BBC Microbit, HTML and Python. Pupils are encouraged to explore and experiment to develop their skills.

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girl writing in class


The study of Mathematics to GCSE level is compulsory in all schools in the UK but at Palmers Green High School we believe it is much, much more than a required subject. A firm grasp of mathematics gives pupils the tools to discover and understand patterns, see relationships, make predictions and appreciate the interconnection of events based on data accrued.  Our Mathematics Department aims to ensure that all pupils gain a firm understanding of mathematical principals, which are integral to the study of Science, Music, Business and the Arts, and that in the process of learning, pupils have fun and take an active role in problem solving.

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Modern Foreign Languages

students in the classroom

Modern Foreign Languages

The Language Department’s philosophy at Palmers Green High School is to encourage a love of foreign languages and civilisations. The study of a foreign language is beneficial to all pupils. It improves memory and attention span, enhances cognitive ability and aids the understanding and fluency of one’s own language.

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girls playing music in a band together


The Music Department consists of two academic teachers and nine peripatetic teaching staff who teach a wide range of instruments.

All pupils in Year 7 through Year 9 receive specialist music tuition. Pupils study a wide range of music genres. The subject is taught through listening, performing and composing, with an emphasis on practical music making. Pupils perform songs and instrumental pieces as a class and in groups and compose regularly. In addition, all pupils are given first-hand experience of using music technology throughout the course.

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students playing rugby


At Palmers Green High School, we aim to empower our pupils to improve their knowledge, skills and understanding of a wide range of physical activities in different and challenging settings. The PE department is committed to offering girls the opportunity to participate in a wide variety of curricular and extra-curricular sport, in the hope that the enjoyment of physical activity will continue into adulthood. At our School, girls excel in a wide range of sports, due in part to the excellent facilities available to us at The Walker Ground, Southgate and Southbury Leisure Centres.

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students in the science class


Palmers Green High School has an active, vibrant and thriving Science Department.  All three sciences (Physics, Chemistry and Biology) are taught separately by specialist teachers in small learning groups from Year 7 onwards.  Throughout all year groups pupils are guided and encouraged to develop scientific knowledge and conceptual understanding through the specific disciplines of Biology, Chemistry and Physics.

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