We believe that play and established routines are important to three and four-year-olds, as is the development of their independence, motivation and enjoyment of learning. Therefore, a typical day would look like this:
Girls arrive with their adult and hang up their coat on a peg labelled with their photograph. A member of staff will greet your child who will then find their name card and stick it on a board in order to self-register.
Girls can then choose to play in any of the areas of the room that appeals to them. For example, they might visit the role-play area, do some building, paint a picture, play imaginatively with small world toys or look at a book.
The garden is a valuable resource and is planned to provide opportunities for climbing, balancing, riding tricycles and scooters, ball skills, digging in the sand or pouring water, observing the natural world, role-play and much more! We strongly believe in the principles of fresh air and exercise and promote this. Girls are encouraged to play in the garden in all weathers.
We encourage girls to drink water whenever they are thirsty from their own bottle or container and they bring in a healthy snack, such as fruit or vegetables, to eat at snack time.
For the last half-hour of the session the girls tidy up the classroom, then return for circle time, which may involve stories and music. This time is also used to share news, discuss activities or involve the girls in planning.
Every day we make time to sit on the carpet together for circle time or story time. Circle time may involve stories and music. This time is also used to share news, discuss activities or involve the girls in planning.
The adults who work with the girls are engaged in focused activities with individuals or a small group of girls. This may involve early Mathematics or Literacy based activities, as well as arts and crafts, cooking, fine motor and gross motor skill practice. We learn through topics, planned to interest the Nursery pupils and develop their learning. Staff may be involved in observing play, modelling play, extending language, supporting behaviour and encouraging cooperative play.