Palmers Green High School, founded in 1905 by Miss Alice Hum, has provided girls with an exceptional education for over 100 years. At Palmers Green High School, we specialise in educating girls, challenging and guiding them to achieve their full potential within our warm and friendly school environment.
The school motto, “By Love Serve One Another” was carefully chosen and it still epitomises our special ethos where individuals are nurtured, successes are celebrated and their contribution to the community is greatly valued. We provide an inspiring, challenging and supportive environment through which all pupils are given opportunities to be inquisitive, independent and develop a lifelong love of learning.
Palmers Green High School is a very special ‘through-school’ where pupils progress in a familiar setting and benefit from seamless transitions across the key stages in the Prep, Junior and Senior Schools. There is an authentic feeling of being one family where strong friendships are formed and extend beyond year groups. We are very proud of our school and would be delighted to welcome you to one of our open days or throughout the year for a personalised tour dependent on Government guidelines. You can also enjoy a selection of on-line virtual tours here.
Ms Sarah Proudlove, Head
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