At Palmers Green High School, all sections of the school (Nursery, Preps, Juniors and Seniors) enjoy being part of our ‘one school’ community. Preps use the same facilities as the GCSE pupils in some subjects, e.g. Art, Music, PE and D&T, and Juniors enjoy Science in the laboratories. Throughout Palmers Green High School, small class sizes and excellent teaching enable rapid progress, whilst exciting extra-curricular activities encourage girls to develop into well-rounded individuals.
Our nurturing nursery caters for girls 3-4 years old, most of whom transfer to Reception at PGHS. Prep and Junior classes benefit hugely from the encouragement and expertise of their class teachers and teaching assistants. Favourable teaching group sizes, light and airy classrooms and access to Senior School facilities all lead to an inspirational learning environment. This is enriched by specialist teaching in Art, D&T, Drama, French, Spanish, Music, and PE, which are often taught in half-class groups.
In the Senior School, small class sizes of around 15 pupils and a broad range of extra-curricular activities enrich the girls’ experience. In 2019, the overall percentage of A*/9/8 grades was a magnificent 61% and A*/9 to A/7 was 81%, placing Palmers Green High School pupils amongst the top performers in the country.
Ranked number one in The Sunday Times national league table for small independent schools, parents can be assured that Palmers Green High School girls attain excellent results.