students playing musical instruments


PGHS holds lockdown 'uniform day' to raise money for Noah's Ark Children's Hospice

1st August 2020

Palmers Green High School held a ‘uniform day’ last Friday with all proceeds going towards Noah’s Ark Children’s Hospice.  Pupils are currently continuing their learning from home, with all teachers delivering a full curriculum.  The school holds ‘Friday Fundays’ every week as part of their ongoing wellbeing program, which includes a weekly challenge, jokes and…

Year 5 & 6 interview the phenomenal Michael Morpurgo

1st August 2020

Years 5 & 6 were supposed to have visited the BFI for a workshop event comparing stories in printed form with the film adaptations.  The day would have ended with a live Q&A with the phenomenal Michael Morpurgo.  Although the event was cancelled, Michael was kind enough to answer their top questions: Are you writing…