students playing musical instruments


Year 5 pupil gains a place in the National Children's Orchestra after passing her grade 8 violin!

1st August 2020

Many congratulations to Xiao (Year 5), who not only passed her Grade 8 Violin but also gained a place in the National Children’s Orchestra. These are fantastic achievements and we are very proud of her.

PGHS holds lockdown 'uniform day' to raise money for Noah's Ark Children's Hospice

1st August 2020

Palmers Green High School held a ‘uniform day’ last Friday with all proceeds going towards Noah’s Ark Children’s Hospice.  Pupils are currently continuing their learning from home, with all teachers delivering a full curriculum.  The school holds ‘Friday Fundays’ every week as part of their ongoing wellbeing program, which includes a weekly challenge, jokes and…

Year 5 & 6 interview the phenomenal Michael Morpurgo

1st August 2020

Years 5 & 6 were supposed to have visited the BFI for a workshop event comparing stories in printed form with the film adaptations.  The day would have ended with a live Q&A with the phenomenal Michael Morpurgo.  Although the event was cancelled, Michael was kind enough to answer their top questions: Are you writing…